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SCNX Refund policy

How to cancel your subscription

Your SCNX subscription can be canceled at any time in your dashboard. After cancelling, you'll still continue to have access to premium features until the end of your current billing cycle.

We understand that you may not love everything that you purchase. We want to clarify in which cases we offer a voluntary refund to purchases made on SCNX.

Please note that all refund requests submitted will be carefully reviewed on a case-by-case basis and eligibility is determined at our sole discretion. As per our Terms of Service, we are not required to offer refunds, except where required by law.


We're only offering refunds as a one-time exceptions. This means that you are eligible for one voluntary refund in total.

Refunds for purchases on SCNX


There's no need to purchase a subscription to test premium features. For new servers on SCNX, we offer a free 14-days trial of the Unlimited plan. Visit your dashboard to learn more.

We can't detect deleted Discord servers and simply kicking your bot is not enough to cancel your subscription. Please make sure to cancel your subscription before renewal.

Refunds are always made to the original payment method. No refunds can be offered if you've paid for your purchase using paysafecard.

Based on your purchase type, our voluntary refund policy varies.

Please note that we might offer refunds outside of this policy based on a case-by-case basis, so don't hesitate to contact us, so we can take a look.

Refunds for subscription

We can issue a one-time refund if you are requesting a refund within 14 days after you've started your subscription. We are not issuing refunds after this initial 14-day period, even if you fail to cancel your subscription before it renews.

Refunds for subscriptions will be prorated, meaning that you'll receive a refund for any unused time.

Plan purchases

We can issue a one-time refund if you are requesting a refund within 14 days after your purchase, and you haven't upgraded any of the servers in your subscription previously. This means that if you've had a previous plan on your server, we're unable to offer a refund.

Other purchases

We're unable to offer refunds for other purchases (such as AI-Coins or Storage capacity).

How to request a refund

To request a refund, contact our billing team by emailing us to [email protected]. Please include your subscription or invoice ID, so we can process your request without delays.

Note for EU customers

For customers in the EU, you have a right to withdrawal from contracts within 14 days. Find our legally required right of withdrawal notice here. However, when purchasing a product or service on SCNX, you are asked to waive your right of withdrawal to get immediate access to the digital good. This means that you instruct us to immediately start fully fulfilling your contract. By doing so, you waive your legal right of withdrawal. As such, you are unable to use this right after purchasing on our platform.